Flights from Bergen Airport BGO to Northolt Airport NHT

You are restricted to only 1 airline company VistaJet when departing Bergen Airport, Flesland to Northolt United Kingdom. The distance covered when flying from Bergen Airport, Flesland to Northolt United Kingdom is 1,032 Km (641 Miles) with the travel time being around 2 Hours 2 Minutes. BGO is the Airport code for Bergen Airport, Flesland and NHT is for Northolt United Kingdom.

The cost of ticket prices to Northolt United Kingdom can vary quite considerably if you travel at certain times of the week especially at weekends. It is normally worth booking flights well in advance if possible to get the best deal to Northolt United Kingdom perhaps midweek or late evening. It is always advisable to book as early as possible. With most airliners prices will go up the closer you get to the departure date.

Please note that the time difference at Northolt is 0.0 GMT. So remember to change your watch before arriving at Northolt.

The table below displays the numbers of daily flights from Bergen Airport, Flesland (BGO) to Northolt (NHT) and the relevant airlines that fly.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
VistaJet001000015:3015:30VIEW FLIGHTS

The most direct flights offered from Bergen Airport, Flesland to Northolt United Kingdom are by VistaJet with around 1 flights a week. These operate from 15:30 with the latest flight being at 15:30. The most popular flight no is VJT464.

Please visit for more information regarding booking a flight with VistaJet.

Please see below the times of flights. These times and frequency may vary at different times of the year please visit the website for more information.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights

Don’t forget that flight regulations are getting tight so we recommend you leave plenty of time to get through customs at Bergen Airport, Flesland.

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Flight Info FAQ - Bergen (BGO) to Northolt (NHT)

Who flies from Bergen to Northolt?
The following airlines fly from Bergen (BGO) to Northolt (NHT): VistaJet.
How far is the flight from Bergen to Northolt?
The flight from Bergen to Northolt is 1,032KM or 641 miles.
How long does the flight from Bergen to Northolt to take?
The flight from Bergen to Northolt takes 2 Hours 2 Minutes.

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Useful Information about Bergen Airport

Bergen Airport Records 2% Rise in November 2023 Passenger Volume

Bergen Airport registered a 1.96% increase in passenger volume compared to the same month in 2019.

Bergen Airport's Recovery Starts with a 2% Growth in Passenger Traffic in October 2023

Bergen Airport welcomed 589,178 passengers in October 2023, a 2.2% increase compared to pre-pandemic levels (576,649) in October 2019.

Bergen Airport Passenger Traffic Soars 7% in Q3 2023

Bergen Airport Passenger Traffic Rebounds by 7.44% in Q3 2023, Exceeding 2019 Pre-Pandemic Figures by 5.36%

New Q2 Passenger Traffic at Bergen Airport - Up 500% On Pandemic Figures

Bergen Airport achieves staggering growth in Q2 2023, with passenger numbers soaring by an impressive 500.16% compared to 2020. Compared to Q2 2021, the airport experienced a remarkable 216% surge.
