Flights from Bergen Airport BGO to Newcastle Airport NCL

We've found the cheapest flights to Newcastle

Returns from £335.88

One-way from £150.95

You are limited to only 1 airline company Loganair when departing Bergen Airport, Flesland to Newcastle Airport United Kingdom. The flight time from Bergen Airport, Flesland to Newcastle Airport is around 1 Hour 39 Minutes and you will cover 714 Km (444 Miles). The airport code for Bergen Airport, Flesland is BGO and for Newcastle Airport it is NCL.

Flight prices can fluctuate at certain times of the day but also at weekends. If you are looking to get the cheapest flights possible then we recommend you travel mid week or in the late evening. On occasions, airliners may have special offers so look out for these. Flights to Newcastle Airport United Kingdom normally increase in price the nearer the journey date, so it is worth trying to book your tickets in advance if you can.

The time zone at Newcastle Airport is 0.0 GMT compared to 1.0 GMT at Bergen Airport, Flesland so bare this in mind is you need to make travel arrangements when you arrive at Newcastle Airport.

The table below shows the amount of daily flights in operation from Bergen Airport, Flesland (BGO) to Newcastle Airport (NCL).

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Loganair010001013:4513:45VIEW FLIGHTS

Loganair offer the most direct flights from Bergen Airport, Flesland to Newcastle Airport with an average of 2 flights a week. The earliest flights are operated at 13:45 and the latest flights operated at 13:45 and the most common flight numbers are LM507

Contact Loganair at to booking a flight or find up to date information on the flight times.

Below you can see the times of all flights. These flight times do vary so we recommend you look on the appropriate airline website for accurate information for the dates you are departing.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights

You may instead fly from Bergen Airport, Flesland and arrive at Newcastle Airport by an alternative airport or airports. The summary of this is in the table below.

Alternative Direct Routes
RouteStopsDistanceFlying Time
Stavanger to Newcastle0616 km (383 miles)1 Hour 32 Minutes

Please remember your valid passport before departing BGO airport.

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Flight Price FAQ - Bergen (BGO) to Newcastle (NCL)

DIRECT Loganair
What is the cheapest direct flight one way from Bergen BGO to Newcastle NCL?
The cheapest direct flight one way from Bergen BGO to Newcastle NCL is £150.95 ($191 €178.44)
$191 | €178.44
Check Latest Price
DIRECT Loganair
What is the cheapest direct return flight from Bergen BGO to Newcastle NCL?
The cheapest direct return flight from Bergen BGO to Newcastle NCL is £335.88 ($425 €397.06)
$425 | €397.06
Check Latest Price
1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest flight one way from Bergen BGO to Newcastle NCL?
The cheapest flight one way from Bergen BGO to Newcastle NCL is £89.30 ($113 €105.57)
$113 | €105.57
Check Latest Price
1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest return flight from Bergen BGO to Newcastle NCL?
The cheapest return flight from Bergen BGO to Newcastle NCL is £267.91 ($339 €316.71)
$339 | €316.71
Check Latest Price
Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Bergen (BGO) to Newcastle (NCL)

Who flies from Bergen to Newcastle?
The following airlines fly from Bergen (BGO) to Newcastle (NCL): Loganair.
How far is the flight from Bergen to Newcastle?
The flight from Bergen to Newcastle is 714KM or 444 miles.
How long does the flight from Bergen to Newcastle to take?
The flight from Bergen to Newcastle takes 1 Hour 39 Minutes.

Planning a trip? Save money on car hire by booking in advance

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Useful Information about Bergen Airport

Bergen Airport Records 2% Rise in November 2023 Passenger Volume

Bergen Airport registered a 1.96% increase in passenger volume compared to the same month in 2019.

Bergen Airport's Recovery Starts with a 2% Growth in Passenger Traffic in October 2023

Bergen Airport welcomed 589,178 passengers in October 2023, a 2.2% increase compared to pre-pandemic levels (576,649) in October 2019.

Bergen Airport Passenger Traffic Soars 7% in Q3 2023

Bergen Airport Passenger Traffic Rebounds by 7.44% in Q3 2023, Exceeding 2019 Pre-Pandemic Figures by 5.36%

New Q2 Passenger Traffic at Bergen Airport - Up 500% On Pandemic Figures

Bergen Airport achieves staggering growth in Q2 2023, with passenger numbers soaring by an impressive 500.16% compared to 2020. Compared to Q2 2021, the airport experienced a remarkable 216% surge.
